Easter is near! The remembrance of the Resurrection of Christ approaches -the flowers blossoming, the bird’s song getting louder and the hearts being warmed by the faithful sun- we feel the Spirit’s nudge to continue moving forward with the rebuilding of Casa Feliz! The need of the abandoned elderly is a daily reminder that God has called us to make this beautiful property into a living space and a home of love for His least in the -very- near future.

And so… what are we waiting for? We feel the Spirit who moved the early Christians to be pierced to the heart and to ask: “what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37). Needless to say, the answer comes loud and clear! Life breaks forth and screams loudly, the tenderness and frailty of our elder brothers and sisters shouts out, and the generosity and willingness of many leaves no doubt that this is a time of RESURRECTION AND LIFE! (John 11:25)

Thanks to our Loving Father’s providence and our generous friends, we are entering into Phase 6 of Casa Feliz reconstruction! Here is a layout of what the journey has been like in the last 5 years:

  • Phase 1: 2017 – Remodeling the Entry way, security wall and “Tortillas de Amor” kitchen/dining hall.
  • Phase 2: 2018 – Roof Replacement & Reconstructing Casa A.M.A.R.
  • Phase 3: 2019 – Drilling 460-foot Mechanical Well
  • Phase 4: 2021 – Reconstruction of Outdoor Patio and Deck
  • Phase 5: 2022 – Gas powered 18kW Generator installation and Improved Water Filtering System
  • Phase 6: 2022 – Second floor (part 1) of Casa Feliz!!!

Thanks to all the work that has been done we now have a beautiful patio, garden areas and a Spanish-style deck that make the property look beautiful and makes all our visitors feel welcomed and loved. Now, the time has come to begin preparing the interior of Casa Feliz to receive the least and to fulfill its purpose.

Phase 6 will consist of reconstructing/ remodeling the main corridor/ wing of Casa Feliz’s second floor, making wheelchair accessible bathrooms and constructing the heart and soul of the entire house – the chapel dedicated to St. Francis and to our dear friend Andrew Merck!

The main corridor connects eleven bedrooms for individuals or couples, smaller storage and maintenance rooms and a large bathroom space. A passageway connects this corridor wing to the center of the building where the chapel will be located. It’s a bit confusing until you come to see it, so we have attached a couple of short videos to give you a “virtual tour”.

VIRTUAL TOUR – Deck view and Main Corridor
VIRTUAL TOUR – Bathrooms and “Assisi” Chapel

We are so excited to begin this new phase! Soon, some of our beloved elderly will be able to fill this place with life, bless and honor us with their presence and give us the privilege of serving them in the Name of Love! We are still in a long process but every step of the way counts when it’s done with love.

Please pray for us; pray for all those already being served and for those serving alongside us in a multitude of ways, near and far.

Please consider coming to San Lucas Tolimán to serve with us or to participate in our mission in any way you are able and feel called to. We pray for hearts on fire for the Gospel life! We thirst to be channels for many of you to touch Christ in the least of our brethren of Guatemala and to allow them to touch Christ in you and through you!

We’ll keep you posted on the surprises and news of this new phase and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and in the name of the least, for your love and support.

God bless you and continue drawing you deeper and deeper into His life-giving love!

– Katie and Juan Pablo

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